Monday, July 20, 2009

Yes, there is a doctor in the house

People sure are sissies about renting out spaces for these classes. There's all this talk of general liability insurance and certification and man, does it give me a headache. Also, renting a space in NYC? Not so cheap.
Why can't it just be, "Oh, you have something wonderful to give the world? We'll be happy to help in any way we can! Also, don't worry about paying for it! Also, here is my daughter!"
But no, it's always "Exactly what kind of classes are these? ...Uh huh, and - the students are going to be doing what?"
But fear not, good citizen, the classes will begin this Fall, regardless of how the so-called civilized world would prefer it.
In other news, I've decided that it is possible to become a Doctor of Superherology (D.S.) through my school, and that I am the first one. My full and proper title is now Dr. JT Awesomefellow, D.S. However, since I am very humble by nature, I will permit my students to address me with shortened titles, such as Dr. Awesomefellow, Professor Awesomefellow, and perhaps some worthwhile nicknames if the student isn't too much of a little punk.

Stay Super.