As you save lives and defend the innocent, you will find that something unique can happen when you save a member of the finer sex. They've just suffered a traumatic event, they're feeling very vulnerable, you've just saved their life, you are their hero - it is the classic situation that they have been taught to crave their entire life, from storybook fairy tales up until adulthood.
This is where being a gentleman comes into play. One should always have a code of chivalry and this is one of the more concrete examples of putting it into play. Always have several condoms on your person at all times. It puts her at ease about womanly matters, it puts you at ease about what malicious creatures might have taken up arms in her nethers and are waiting to pounce upon your noble member.
Always keep several with you - occasions for intercoursing are like the homeless - they're everywhere, and frequently in places you'd never expect.
Stay Super.