Origin stories.
All Superheroes have them, right? So what's mine?
I was never exposed to radioactivity, found a magical item, suffered some terrible event, or became infused with alien technology (unless you count cologne made by foreigners).
Growing up, I always had an interest in training and preparing myself. Even as a wee grade-schooler, I would study martial arts flicks and practice the moves, jump over and climb on anything I could find, get into little fights, and push myself to the limit. I read about the tactics of ninja and Navy SEALS, assassins (did you know that the word "assassin" comes from the word "hashishin," because assassins were originally paid in hashish?) and thieves, Native Americans and ...there's nothing that pairs well with Native Americans, but you get the idea.
Then one day I turned around and said "What's all this for? What's the point of knowing sword play or knife throwing these days? Have I been wasting my life? What has all this been building towards?"
But I knew the answer. All boys know the answer. I was becoming the ultimate, perfect guerrilla weapon against street crime.
There was nothing dramatic to when I got started. One night, I just went out, almost daring myself. And little by little, like anything else, it just became the thing I did.
I guess that some guys play online poker at night and some beat up criminals and throw them in a dumpster.
Stay Super.