Did you ever notice how superheroes always just happen to be around when crimes are taking place?
If you haven't heard, let me be the first to tell you - being a superhero can be booooring.
How boring? Have you ever waited in line for 10 minutes? It's like that, only instead of having a person behind you, it's a dirty alley, and instead of having a person in front of you, it's a dumpster, and instead of 10 minutes, it's 6 hours.
Also, you have to pee.
Sometimes movies try to make it more "real" by having the heroes listen in to police scanners, but if the cops are on their way, it's being taken care of, and you usually won't get there before them anyway. (Random thought - why does no one ever just follow the batmobile home? It's not like it blends in with the other cars.)
Yes, you get better at anything the more you do it, and technology certainly doesn't hurt to point you in the right direction, but some nights it's just like COME ON! Somebody get mugged already! Where are the days when New York was seething with pain and the vilest of human nature - a city whose screams were bursting at the seams of the pillow being used to smother it? Now, we're about even with Boise, Idaho.
Well, maybe tonight will be better.
Stay Super.